Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The internet: FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)Интернэт(Хамгийн эрэлттэй асуултууд)The Internet is without doubt one of the most important inventions in history.Интернэт бол хүн төрөлхтний түүхэнд зохион бүтээгдсэн хамгийн чухал зүйл юм.It was started in 1968 by the US government, but at first it was used mainly by scientists.1968 онд Америкийн засгийн газар хэрэглэж эхэлсэн гэдэг боловч голчлон эрдэмтэд хэрэглэг байжээ.Since 1990, when the World Wide Web was created, it has changed the world, and its uses are growing every day.WWW нь 1990 онд бүтээгдсэнээсээ хойш дэлхий ертөнцийг өөрчлөн өдөр бүр хөгжсөөр байна.1. What was the Internet?Интернэт гэж чухам юу байсан бэ?The Internet is network (several networks, in fact) of millions of computers around the world, connected by phone lines, satellite or cable, so that all the computers on the net can exchange information with each other.Интернэт гэдэг нь дэлхий дээрх сая сая компьютерийг холбосон сүлжээ бөгөөд утасны шугам, хиймэл дагуул болон кабелиар холбогдож компьютерууд хоорондоо мэдээлэл солилцдог.2. What is the same thing as the web, isn’t it?Not quite. The Internet links computers, and the World Wide Web is a system which links the information stored inside these computers.Яг тийм биш. WWW систем нь тухайн компьютерт мэдээлэлийг хадгалах холбоо юм.3. What do I need in order to use the internet?Та интернэтэд ямар дараалалаар холбогдох вэ?A company or organisation stores its information in electronic documents on one of the internet computers, somewhere in the world.Дэлхийн хаана ч интернэт компьютер нь мэдээллийг хадгалах зохион байгуулалтаар ажилладаг.This computer space – the company’s web site- has an address, in the same way that every telephone has a number. Компьютерийн хэмжээ нь компьютертйн вэб сайт болон хаяг, утйсны дугаараас бүрдэнэ.To visit a website, you simply enter the address.Та интернэтэд зочлохдоо маш амархнаар хаяг оруулж болно.Your computer is connected to the web site, a document is downloaded, and a page appears on your computer screen.Таны компьютер вэб сайтад холбогдсоноор мэдээлэл татахад таны компьютерийн дэлгэцэнд хариу мэдээлэл ирнэ.4. What is a web site, and how do I visit one?Вэб сайт гэж юу вэ,мөн үүнд яаж холбогдох вэ?When you visit a web site looking for information, some words on the page may be underlined, showing that there is more onformation about the subject in another document. Вэб сайтад байх зарим үгс догуураа зураастай байх ба энэ нь мэдээллийн гол агуулгыг харуулсан байдагIf you click on one of this words, the web automatically connects your computer to a new document or web site, even if this is stored thousands of kilometers away.Энэ үгнүүд дээр дарахад вэб хуудас автоматаар холбогдож тухайн сайт болон шинэ вэбд холбогддог.You’re surfing the net!Энэ бол таны интернэт дэх талбар юм.5. What can I use the internet forÁè интернэтээр юу хийж чадах вэ?The main use of the internet is to find information- for your schoolwork or job, or just to find out more about your hobbies, sports or current events.Та өөрт чухал хичээл болон ажил, таны сонирхдог зүйл, спорт болон хүссэн зүйлийнхээ талаар сүүлийн үеийн мэдээлэлийг интернэтээс хайж болно. You can also use the internet to read newspapers and magazines, play games, plan your holiday or buy things from your favourite shop.Мөн та интернэтээс сонин болон сэтгүүл уншиж, тоглоом тоглож, амралтынхаа төлөвлөгөөг хийх болон дуртай дэлгүүрээсээ хүссэн зүйлээ худалдан авах боломжтой юм.E-mail makes it possible to send electronic messages anywhere in the world in seconds, and you can use the internet to ‘chat’ with people and make new friends.Та ‘электрон шуудан’-г ашигласнаар хэдхэн секундийн дотор дэлхийн хаана ч электрон захиаг илгээх боломжтой бөгөөд интернэт дэх чатаар шинэ найзуудтай болж хүмүүстэй харилцаж болно.6. How do I “surf the net”?If you don’t already use the internet, all you need to get started is a computer, a modem and phone line.Хэрэв та одоог хүртэл интернэт ашигладаггүй бол компьютерээ модем болон утасны шугамд холбох хэрэгтэй.Using the internet is getting cheaper and easier all the time.Интернэт хэрэглэснээр цагийг үр ашигтай өнгөрөөх болно.Are you ready to surf the net? There’s a whole exciting internet world out there waiting for you!Та интернэтээр аялахад бэлэн үү? Дэлхий дээрх сэтгэл хөдөлгөсөн зүйлүүд таныг хүлээж байна.

Friday, May 8, 2009


If I were the leader of my country, I wouldn’t allow hunters to kill endangered species. Did you know that animals such as handgais and buga have been hunted so much that there will soon be none left? I think were need to teach hunters that it’s wrong to kill these animals.i would also create special parks where these animals could live safety.

If I were the leader of my country, I would ban cars because they cause too much air pollution. I hate it when I’m driving my car in these street and I can hardly breathe because of the traffic fumes. It makes me feel really ill.Air pollution causes kills trees, too which people kills.


Mighty Lord - Megjid Janraisig
The largest Mongolian Buddhist statue, known as Megjid Janraisig (All seening lord) stands in a huge temple in Gandan Tegchinlen Monastery. The first Megjid Janraisig statue was built in 1911 and was destroyed in the 1930s Buddhism has started to revive in Mongolia, after the communist system collapsed.

The President of Mongolia issued a decree to rebuild this famous statue as the symbol of the revival of Buddhism that had been practiced in Mongolia for hundreds of years. It marked the beginning of five years of a large scale operation throughout Mongolia up to the inauguration of Megjid Janraisig in October, 1996.

Mongolians contributed 173.6 million tugrugs and the Government donated 153.5 million tugrugs towards the cost of building the 26.5 meter “all seeing Lord”. Over 500 people worked on the recreation of this statue.

This sacred statue, weighing 90 tons was build of 20 tons of copper, 400 kg of silver, gilded with 24 kg of gold and decorated with more than 2000 precious stones. Everyday, hundreds of local people come to pray to their sacred Megjid Janraisig. As well tourists visit the temple where this amazing statue is placed.
National holiday-Naadam
The Mongolian National holiday Naadam is celebrated in Mongolia each year on 11 July. “Eriin gurvan naadam”-the three manly games of wrestling,horse racing and archery-make up the core activities of National Day festivities.

WRESTLING at the start of a competition all the wrestlers with the higher title-holders in front, enter the hall in a line wearing gutuls (decorated Mongolian boots) and hats and their wrestling costumes called zodog”shuudag”.There are many different titles for the wrestlers such as Titan (avarga), Lion (arslan), Elephant (Zaan) and Falcon (Nachin).

When a wrestler touches the ground with any part of his body other than his feet and palms, he is considered to be defeated. The main difference between Mongolian national wrestling and international free style wrestling is that the weight category of wrestlers is not taken into consideration.

HORSE RACING Mongolian people have loved horse racing since time immemorial. A whole system for conducting the contests has developed over the centuries. In the races held during national festivals, including Naadam, the participants are in six age groups and the distances range from 15 to 30 kilometers. No special track is prepared, the horses covering the distance in the steppe and jumping over natural barriers. Before they start the riders sing an ancient war-like song-Giingoo. The competitors start at the finishing line and at the signal to start and back to the finish line.

The winner is honoured with a cup of airag which he drinks and sprinkles on the head and croup of his horse. After the races, a praise-singer extols the best riders and their horses.

ARCHERY The third element of the national games is archery.
Today Mongolians use a less complicated form of archery than in ancient time: the target is a “wall” made of cork cylinders braided together with leather straps. It is four meters long and 50 cm high. The target is placed on the ground at a distance of 75 meters for men and 60 meters for women. For teenagers under 18, the distance equals four meters for each year of the boy’s age and 3 meters for each of the girl’s.

Arrows are usually made from pine wood and had feather fins which help the arrow to reach a distance of 900 meters. Naadam archery also attracts individual archers as well as teams of 8-12 people. Every male archer has forty arrows to shot at each target. The judges dressed in national attire, stand by the targets with hands held up after the arrows have been shot. They praise the best shot in drawing recitative voice. The contests are ac companied by colorful national rites. Before the competition starts you hear the recitative song “uukhai”, calling on the archers to be good marksmen and hit the target.


The purpose of the report is to assess the new Berlin-burger fast-food restaurant, which I visited on last summer.

There is varied menu at Berlin-burger which includes a fantastic salad bar, a wide choice of vegetarian dishes and three types of delicious hamburger. I tried the spicy hamburger with chilli sauce in a soft white bread roll. It was very tasty.However it was rather cold. I was thought that Berlin burger was a bit too expensive.

The Berlin burgers staff were helpful, friendly and polite during my visit.They looked very smart in their clean uniform. Unfortunately the serves was rather slow and one of the cashiers gave me the wrong change.

The friendly staff, good music, clean table and comfortable seating all helped to give Berlin burger an excellent atmosphere. The new no smoking policy is also good idea, and it made my meal at Berlin burgers a pleasurable experience.

The new Berlin burgers restaurant on the whole, great success. How ever I think that the manager should make a few improvements. Firstly he should make sure that all hot dishes are hot when they go out to customers. Finally he should improve staff training so that the staff work faster and make fewer mistakes.